Gurully PTE Prediction Files

PTE Prediction file covers frequently asked exam questions and features up to 80% occurrence rate in actual exam.

A prediction file is a collection of real exam questions of PTE that may come in future exams.

April - 2024 (New)

At the moment it includes Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Retell Lecture, Answer Short Questions, Summarize Written Text, Write Essay, Re-Order Paragraph, Reading & Writing:Fill in the Blanks, Reading: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening: Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. It is highly recommended to practise all the questions in Question Bank.

March - 2024

At the moment it includes Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Retell Lecture, Answer Short Questions, Summarize Written Text, Write Essay, Re-Order Paragraph, Reading & Writing:Fill in the Blanks, Reading: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening: Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. It is highly recommended to practise all the questions in Question Bank.

February - 2024

At the moment it includes Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Retell Lecture, Answer Short Questions, Summarize Written Text, Write Essay, Re-Order Paragraph, Reading & Writing:Fill in the Blanks, Reading: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening: Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. It is highly recommended to practise all the questions in Question Bank.

January - 2024

At the moment it includes Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Retell Lecture, Answer Short Questions, Summarize Written Text, Write Essay, Re-Order Paragraph, Reading & Writing:Fill in the Blanks, Reading: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening: Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. It is highly recommended to practise all the questions in Question Bank.

December - 2023

At the moment it includes Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Retell Lecture, Answer Short Questions, Summarize Written Text, Write Essay, Re-Order Paragraph, Reading & Writing:Fill in the Blanks, Reading: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening: Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. It is highly recommended to practise all the questions in Question Bank.

November - 2023

At the moment it includes Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Retell Lecture, Answer Short Questions, Summarize Written Text, Write Essay, Re-Order Paragraph, Reading & Writing:Fill in the Blanks, Reading: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening: Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. It is highly recommended to practise all the questions in Question Bank.